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Why Perfectionism Is Bad For Your Health?

Updated: May 4, 2022

The consequences of perfectionism and how you can overcome your daily challenges with the help of online therapy for adults

Perfectionists are driven by the desire to be or appear perfect. Perfectionism, on the other hand, is not the same as striving to be your best self. In your quest to look a certain way, perfectionism really holds you back by causing harmful behavior. ‌

If you struggle with perfectionism or know a loved one who is, this article will come in handy. Below you can read about why perfectionism is bad for you, including the mental and physical consequences it can produce on your body. Finally, what to do to start overcoming perfectionism with the help of online therapy for adults.

How Perfectionism Affects Us

Perfectionism is often described as excessively high personal standards combined with unduly critical self-evaluations, but in reality, the word has a broad meaning that many experts decided to categorize into three different facets: Self-centered perfectionism, and other-centered perfectionism, and socially prescribed perfectionism.

Individuals with socially dictated perfectionism believe their social setting is overly demanding, that others are severely judging them, and that they must demonstrate perfection to gain approval. Anxiety, sadness, and suicidal ideation are just a few of the mental health issues connected to this type of perfectionism, according to experts.

What’s more, other forms of perfectionism have similar consequences for a person's body and mind such as isolation, anger, lack of self-esteem and self-worth, and more. It's not easy to live with the internalized voice of perfectionism. Perfectionists frequently have a harsh internal conversation in which their "inner critic" tells them that no matter what they do or how hard they try, they aren't good enough.

Not only is having such a continual inner monologue tiring and exhausting, but perfectionists frequently condemn themselves for being self-critical, or believe that their ongoing attempts are proof of their irredeemable flaw in and of themselves.

Consequences Of Perfectionism

Anxiety and sadness can be triggered by perfectionism. You may feel depressed if you don't fulfill the high expectations you set for yourself since stress and anxiety pile up. Some people are referred to as "emotional perfectionists," which means they suppress their worry and sadness.

Perfectionists may also suffer from hygiene and health problems. In severe circumstances, you may develop an eating problem such as anorexia nervosa, in which you feel compelled to follow a strict, ideal diet. You may have felt like you were spiraling if you missed a day of your diet.

How To Overcome Perfectionism

Overcoming perfectionism is something possible, and Blue Oak Counseling offers online therapy for adults with skilled professionals that will help you with your recovery process.

Blue Oak Counseling provides online sessions for everyone, so you can schedule the best time for yours and continue with your life accompanied by helpful therapy that will allow you to overcome your daily challenges.

Contact us for further details and inquiries. Our excellent customer support team is thrilled to answer all of your questions and provide you with the best course of action for your therapy sessions.

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